RFID vs Elastic Cloud Storage

April 12, 2022

RFID vs Elastic Cloud Storage: Let's Compare

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology has been around for decades. It's a wireless communication technology that uses radio waves to read and capture data stored on RFID tags. On the other hand, Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) is a public cloud storage service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It provides scalable object storage for unstructured data. But which one is better for your business? Let's find out.


When it comes to cost, RFID technology can be expensive, especially when handling large volumes of inventory. According to RFID Journal, the cost of an RFID tag ranges from $0.10 to $50, depending on the type and purpose of the tag. Additionally, businesses need to invest in RFID readers, software, and other infrastructure. The cost of adopting RFID technology can be a major barrier for small and medium-sized businesses.

On the other hand, Elastic Cloud Storage offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, where businesses only pay for the storage they use. The price of storing data on ECS can be as low as $0.0007 per GB per month, depending on the region and storage class. However, businesses need to consider additional costs such as data retrieval fees, data transfer fees, and other charges.


Scalability is an essential factor for businesses that deal with large volumes of data. RFID technology has limitations when it comes to scalability. Each RFID reader can typically handle a limited number of tags at once, and scalability requires additional readers and infrastructure.

Elastic Cloud Storage, on the other hand, offers virtually unlimited scalability. ECS can handle petabytes of unstructured data and provides a highly scalable storage solution that can grow or shrink as needed. With ECS, businesses can scale up or down based on their storage requirements.


Security is a major concern for businesses when it comes to storing sensitive data. RFID tags can be easily read by anyone with an RFID reader, making them vulnerable to unauthorized access. Additionally, the data on the tags is often unencrypted, which can be a security risk.

Elastic Cloud Storage provides several security features, including encryption at rest and in transit. AWS uses industry-standard encryption protocols to ensure the security of data stored in ECS. Additionally, ECS allows businesses to customize their security settings, ensuring that their data is safe and secure.


In conclusion, both RFID technology and Elastic Cloud Storage have their strengths and weaknesses. RFID technology is ideal for businesses that need real-time, item-level visibility and tracking. On the other hand, Elastic Cloud Storage is a cost-effective and scalable storage solution suitable for businesses that deal with large volumes of unstructured data. Businesses need to evaluate their specific requirements and choose a technology that suits their needs best.


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